Recognizing When Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Is Right For You

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 28

According to the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), on average, businesses spend $20 to file a single document. It then costs an additional $220 to search for and replace […]

Define Your Digital Transformation with Document Capture Automation

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Mar 10

In today’s increasingly information-intensive world, having the speed and accuracy to efficiently locate, edit, share and store documents – both paper and digital – can make all the difference. But […]

The Right Solutions Partner Gives You an Advantage

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Mar 2

As technology continues to rapidly evolve, document management is without question one of the top considerations for business growth. But the real question is which document management partner is the […]

When an Electronic File Cabinet Just Isn’t Enough

4 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Feb 17

Every organization deals with paperwork, which is constantly slowing down the flow of business information and productivity. We all know that by implementing document management software, companies can become paperless […]

Developing an ECM Strategy is like a Kickball Game

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Aug 12

This summer, Square 9® Softworks sponsored its first WAKA kickball team, the Elm City League Shredders. I was hesitant to join at first because like many people, I haven’t played a […]

How Document Management Software Ensures Business Continuity

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jul 15

Did you know, that approximately 65% of companies could not stay in business if they had to be closed for a week? Research shows that less than 5% of companies are truly […]

Leveraging Document Management Across Business Markets

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 24

How often do you transport files in and out of the office? Do you constantly worry about misplacing confidential records or damaging them during travel? Research shows that an estimated 7.5% of […]

How Data Capture Solutions Reduce Time, Costs and Risks

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 17

Did you know that a typical employee spends 40% of their time looking for information locked in email, printed documents, shared hard disks and filing cabinets? (AIIM Survey 2016) We […]

Upgrading to a Paperless Solution with Document Management Software

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 10

From student enrollment to transfer applications, parent-teacher conferences and payroll, the education system distributes large quantities of documents every day. Whether a student, teacher, or faculty member, all are affected […]

Why Your Document Management Strategy Needs to Go Digital

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted May 27

CMS Wire research predicts that from 2010 to 2020, there will be a 50x growth in digital content, proving that digital innovation is rapidly expanding, and in order for businesses to […]

Eliminating Contract Challenges with Document Management Software

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted May 20

When it comes to business contracts, a lot of time is spent discussing costs and terms, but little effort is put into the management of these finalized agreements. This is […]

How Business Continuity Can Save Your Company

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Apr 29

93% of companies that lost their data center for 10 days or more due to a disaster, filed for bankruptcy within one year of disaster. What would you do if […]

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